miercuri, 1 februarie 2012

MOVIE WEEK - first part

Hi, everyone! This is the first posting of the MOVIE WEEK! Today, we're going to tell you some details about one of the newests movies, that we're sure there are still in theatres.
The first one is Moneyball: The art of winning. 
What we didn't like about this movie: It doesn't have much action, so it can be a little boring, only if you're not a BIG fan of baseball.
What we liked about this movie: The idea of winning a game, even if people think you got no chances, and Brad Pitt :))
What is the movie about: The movie is about a baseball team that doesn't have money anymore, so the team manager (Brad Pitt) has to rebuild his team with a LOW budget. It is very hard to choose some good players if you don't have money, so Billy Beane, the manager, and his assistent (we forgot his name) has to take really hard decisions, that can destroy the Oakland team. The new team has many issues: one of the players is too old, another one isn't healthy enough, a few guys have a STRANGE way to hit or to throw the ball... But, (because american movies are always happy-ending) everything gets better and better, and the Oaklands win a lot of games in a row. After those winnings, Billy becomes famous for his way of choosing players, so a big and important team gives him an offer: a lot of money for being their team manager. What is he going to do? To leave the team that he loved and trained for a long time or to accept the offer and win a lot of money?
And the second one is Seeking Justice.
What we didn't like about this movie: A part of the movie has no sense, but...who cares?
What we liked about this movie: A lot of action, mistery and gunshots!!
What is the movie about: The movie starts with a happy family: a man, called Will Gerard (Nicolas Cage), and his wife, Laura (January Jones). But everything gets dark when Laura is beated and raped by a crazy man. At the hospital, Will is crying and he's very angry, when a strange man called Simon (Guy Pearce) comes to him and says he knows who did this to his wife, and they could make a deal: Simon kills that man, and Will is going to help him with other bussines: he will turn off a security camera, or follow somebody..., things like this. Finally, Will accepts, and the crazy guy is dead. SIX MONTHS LATER Laura is healhty and she has no marks. Simon calls Will and he tells him to go to the Zoo, and follow some people. Then, he has to go somewhere by the bus, where Simon tells him the next mission is killing a guy, who is...bad. After some hesitations, Will finds the guy and tries to tell him what's going on, but the man runs and tries to beat Will. Finally, he falls around 4 metres, on a busy road, and dies. Then, he is blamed for killing someone, and everything becomes SO cool. We totally recommend you this movie. It is awesome!  

Those are two of the movies that we are going to tell you about this MOVIE WEEK!
We hope you enjoyed and keep watching U.C.Me!! Bye, guys

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