miercuri, 8 februarie 2012

Holidays~Valentine's Day Present Ideas

Hi, everyone! Valentine’s Day is coming soon, so we thought we should write something about this. That’s why today we’re going to show you some of the best presents for the people you love!
Tip #1 Next to the main present you give, you should put a postcard, because the person that gets the present will think you really care about her/him and you thought all the time about what should you give her/him,not just putting something in a nice bag.
Tip #2 FOR BOYS ONLY Give her a bunch of red roses or only one red rose. Make sure the flowers look good.
1.       TEDDY BEARS 
Buying a teddy bear is not the best choice, but it is really easy to pick one. Make sure the message the teddy bear …sends is “I love you”, because this message is more romantic that “Would you be my Valentine?”.
Anyway, teddy bears are a good idea.

2.       NECKLACES

That’s a much better present for her, because boys don’t like wearing jewerls as much as girls do. The necklace should be made of gold, it’s OK to be made of silver, but it MUST not be made of plastic or iron! And, if it has a heart shape or it’s “made” of letters that compose her name, that's even better!

3.       CANDIES
Some of you may think candies are a really good idea, but we don’t. It’s not a special present because he/she can buy candies any time, and it’s not… romantic. So, candies are not a good present for Valentine’s Day.
But it is OK giving candies only if you give another present next to them.


This is a pretty good idea of a present, but not as good as necklaces and teddy bears. Heart-shaped pillows are a nice present and they’re not hard to choose. Of course it’s not the most romantic gift, but it seems to be one of the most bought presents on the 14th of February.

Other Valentine’s Day gift ideas: a puppy <3, perfumes, tickets at a romantic concert…

We hope you enjoyed this posting and keep watching U.C.Me!! Bye!

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