miercuri, 4 aprilie 2012

Healthy~How to stay fit

Hi, everyone! This is the first post of this month! It's already April, so the weather became warm (almost hot) and today it was sunny, so we went jogging in a park from Bucharest. That's why we thought to write this post about how to stay fit :)

It's very important to move. You can just walk, which is realxing, you can dance while you're listening a crazy song, you can go jogging, like us, you can ride a bike or jump rope, which really works. A good advice would be "go to the pool", because you stay fit, if you swim, and it's also relaxing and funny. The idea is to not lay at home, probably watching TV.

About what you should eat, there are the same rules. I (Nati-pon) think that the people that talk about this at the TV taught us: vegetables and fruits are good; anything else is evil. But it's not like this. I think people can eat almost anything without to get fatter, as long as they don't eat TOO much. Since tha last summer, I started to eat a lot of salad, especially one kind of salad with little "pieces" of grilled chicken, green salad, some boiled eggs, little pieces of cheese and radishes. You should try it. It's really healthy and it's DELICIOUS! It's probably one of my favourites food  ever and i am picky about food.

Even if it's not a part of staying fit, you should respect some rules about how you dress, especially if you're a little fat.
Tip #1 Try to avoid tight things.
Tip #2 Stay away from horizontal stripes.
Tip #3 Wear one-colour dresses, but make sure it has an amazing colour, because people have to look at the colour of the dress, not at your body.
Tip #4 Wear dark colours, especially black, but not completely black.
Tip #5 Try to avoid too long and too short skirts or dresses.

So, this is today's post. We hope you liked it and it helped you to stay fit. Keep reading U.C.Me for more good advices!

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