joi, 5 iulie 2012

Internet~Youtube Gurus

Hi, guys! For today's post, I thought to show you some youtube channels and youtube gurus that inspired me, or they are very funny to watch.

The first Youtube guru is Bethany Mota a.k.a. Macbarbie07.  She is a beauty guru, and her videos are very useful, and nice. I am her subscriber since 2011, when one of her videos was on the first page on Youtube (the old format). Bethany reached 653.610 subscribers and over 88.000.000 video views. She is also a vloger (bethanyslife channel).

Another Youtube Guru is Jenna Marbles, who is much more famous than Bethany Mota, but I prefer watching Bethany's videos. I found out about Jenna a few years ago, when her video was, also, on the first page on Youtube. The video is called How To Make Awesome Pet Names, and it has more than 7.000.000 views. Jenna is considered the number 1 female on Youtube.

Another popular couple of Youtube gurus is Kalel Cullen and Anthony Padilla. Anthony is one of the two creators of Smosh, which is a Youtube channel with almost 5.000.000 subscribers. Kalel had a Youtube channel called queenbeeuty, but in March 2012, she uploaded a video that said that she won't upload any videos anymore as queenbeuuty :( But, fortunately, she created a new channel called cozplai, where she uploads videos with her cosplays (Cosplay, short for "costume play", is a type of performance art in which participants don costumes and accessories to represent a specific character or idea. Favorite sources include manga and anime.) She is still a vloger, but not on the queenbeeuty channel, but on the cozplaisensei channel.

Another Youtube Channel that I enjoy watching is Awesomeness TV, which is a brand new network on Youtube, and it has a lot of shows, and my favourite is IMO, where some girls talk about many subjects that teen girls like, including fashion, beauty etc. The hosts are Bethany Mota, Gracie Dzienny, Daniella Monet, Audrey Whitby, Meaghan Dowling and a few other girls, but they change every week, only Gracie, Bethany and Meaghan were in all the episodes, but I am not sure.

The last Youtube channel, but not the least, is Ray William Johnson! He has almost 5.500.000 subscribers and more than video views!! How awesome is that?!

So, this was the post for today! Thank you for reading it and stay tuned on U.C.Me. We hope you enjoyed this post, and it helped you. Bye, XOXO.

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